Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"An immense river of oblivion is sweeping us away into a nameless abyss." ---Ernest Renan, Souvenirs d'Enfance et de Jeunesse.

Sigh. I must unfortunately write about my tournament experience this Tuesday at Guardian Games. Ancient Wonders was closed due to construction, so most local MTG players ventured across the Willamette to see what Guardian had to offer. The tournament was 3 rounds, with nearly 25 participants. I scored a dismal 1-2 with R/G Wolf Run.

I gave Alec a ride to the tournament in exchange for a cut of his prizes, but he performed even worse than I did, scoring 0-3 with R/B/W Grites. He made several changes to the deck before the tournament, but they didn't appear to help him. Now on to the games.

In round 1 I faced Jason Lee, playing Naya Wolf Run. The games were fairly close with a well-timed Terminus proving to be the high point of the match. Still, I generally had more Titans than he did and was able to effectively retain the initiative in Game 1. Game 2 was funny in that Jason delivered 9 poison damage before I was able to find blockers for his Inkmoth Nexii. He was unable to draw a Kessig Wolf Run and I eventually won the match 2-0.

Round 2 was all sorts of fucked up. I played Steve Empey who was running that new U/G Spellskite, Wild Defiance deck. I game 1, I failed to find a 4th land until I was already dead. In game 2, Steve cast a Wild Defiance on turn 3. I managed to cast a Solemn Simulacrum on turn 4, but tapped out to do so. Steve killed me with an Inkmoth Nexus, double Mutagenic Growth, Mirran Mettle on the following turn. Yeah, he won on turn 4...Lame.

In Round 3 I played a total scrub running U/B Control. He had no Darkslick Shores, no Drowned Catacombs, no Nepahlia's Drownyards, and no Ghost Quarters....and I still lost. U/B Control is just so good against my deck, you can play the worst version possible and still win.

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